Every sustainability professional needs permaculture

Gudrun Cartwright
2 min readApr 26, 2022


Most people think permaculture is about gardening. But it can be valuable to every change agent too. Here’s why.

It’s a design framework:

That enables us think systematically about problems or projects and how to create collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.

I used Looby Macnamara’s design web to scope a social innovation programme. This enabled me to quickly map the elements, how they come together, who to involve and delivery options. A straw person to then engage others with.

The ethics provide a north star:

Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares/Future Care are the beating heart of permaculture. Assessing projects against these ethics is hugely valuable.

I also add in self care, as we often forget to look after ourselves when we are mission driven.

Principles promote creativity:

The 12 original principles are great, but there are lots more. I love Heather Jo Flores“replace consumption with creativity”. Experiment to see what helps you get inspired!

It focuses on inclusivity and systems:

As sustainability professionals we work across systems and stakeholders. Permaculture prioritises interconnections to get the right people involved from the start and maximise leverage.

It’s fun and stretching:

Stretching and fun is the best kind of work! For me, the fun is in blending tools, like an artist. The ethics are the background and selecting principles helps create the vision and the ways into action.

The need to be robust in capturing my observations, interactions and the cycles of planning, doing, reflecting and improving is where I’m stretched.

So check out permaculture for yourself.

I hope you will find it as useful and rewarding as I do.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Gudrun Cartwright

Working on being a grownup fit for the 21st Century. Climate Justice Campaigner. Permaculture Designer. Doing my best to live my truth.