How sustainability leaders can avoid greenwash & build rigour into their work

Gudrun Cartwright
2 min readMar 14, 2022

The recent Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor criticised leading companies and gold standard initiatives guiding business action for net zero.

A slap in face for many of us in sustainability.

But as scrutiny grows sustainability leaders must show rigour behind their work. I propose three ways to do so:

1. Be open about uncertainty

Nobody knows exactly how to get to net zero. Indeed, current business models and lifestyles may not survive the huge emission cuts involved.

So, be honest about what this means and the unanswered questions you have. Build them into your strategy. Share them.

2. Involve diverse voices in designing the future

As Matthew Syed says in Rebel Ideas, diverse thinking is critical to develop solutions that work.

The UK’s Climate Assembly brought together people from across the UK consider how to achieve net zero. Few experts would have expected to see such thoughtful, creative solutions. But because diverse people shaped them, they have more credibility with government, business and the public.

3. Communicate clearly & honestly

Recent research we conducted at Business in the Community showed 72% of people want companies they buy from to act on climate change, but only 25% know what companies are doing.

A clear a gap, then, between business reporting (there is a lot!) and public understanding.

So, it’s vital to create engaging, accessible ‘warts and all’ communications and share them widely. Then invite people in to shape what comes next.

I hope you have found these ideas useful

Wishing you every success on your net zero journey🙂

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Gudrun Cartwright

Working on being a grownup fit for the 21st Century. Climate Justice Campaigner. Permaculture Designer. Doing my best to live my truth.